The Compass: A Chart, A Blueprint,
A Complex Hieroglyph

The compass is a tool that is used to read the Energy of a person, relationship, or group of people; it is also used as a Birthdate Chart and a Relationship Chart. The ’Compass Tool’ is a chart that shows the connections between your Mind, Body, Spirit, Emotions, Heart, and Soul. It represents the question and direction of the tool, and the tiles represent the answer.

The tiles represent different points on the ‘Compass Tool’ and are connected to the principles of muscle resistance testing, because the body is involved in the process of choosing and placing the tiles on the compass.

The symbols on the compass and tiles are part of the ’Element Language’ and make up the different elements of this hieroglyphic language. Symbols are like pictures and connect to the idiom “A picture is worth a thousand words”. In like manner, each symbol represents a set of principles, laws, and truths that are connected to each other on a framework that shows how they relate to each other in a 3-dimensional way, making the ‘Compass Tool’ and ‘Element Language’ a 3-dimensional hieroglyph.

All of this is connected to ‘Sacred Geometry’, a term used to describe shapes, symbols, and geometric patterns and structures that have a meaning in a particular language. This allows the connections that exist between individual principles, laws, and truths to be seen in a 3-dimensional structure. This is also connected to the reason we talk with our hands and facial expressions, because language is 3-dimensional.