
Muscle Resistance Testing

Muscle Resistance Testing is about getting answers from the Body by testing the strength or weakness of a muscle while asking a question. The principles connected to this technique are about understanding that the Body reflects the truth of everything about you, that your body is connected to your Spirit and Mind, and that they are connected to the source of truth.

There are three parts to getting answers, first there is a question that is held in the Mind; second there is the means by which the answer is received which is connected to the Body; third is understanding that the answer comes from the source of truth, which is where all truth comes from. These principles are what govern Muscle Resistance Testing, Energy Tools, and Verbal Questions and Answers.

The purpose of these techniques are to remove your prejudices, preconceived ideas, and interference from the equation, so that a correct answer can be received.

These techniques work best when the principle of ‘out of the mouth of two or three witnesses the truth is established and made sure’ are applied. With energy work it is about having two or three steps to remove you and the energy worker from interfering with the answer, allowing a true answer to be received.