Holistic Energy Healing

Healing is a complex word, because the are many aspects that can influence the health and well being of a person. In order for someone to be completely healed in every way, all of the different aspects that affect the Mind, Body, Spirit, Emotions, Heart, and Soul would have to be addressed. This would require many different approaches and methods, and above all, the participation of the person.

Healing always requires the participation of the person who is seeking to be healed. Healing is not something that can be forced upon anyone. Since participation of the person is one of the key elements of being healed, and everyone has their own right to choose whether to participate or not, healing can be elusive and is not a guaranteed outcome.

Body of Energy’s definition of Healing is about giving you Insight & Understanding, which is the Catalyst, to bring Balance to your Heart & Soul, and using Sound Therapy to bring all your parts, the whole of you, into Harmony with each other, allowing them to resound as one great chord. So, Healing is about bringing Balance & Harmony to your Heart & Soul, because of Insight & Understanding given to you through Energy Work and Sound Therapy.

Again, this requires you to receive the Insight & Understanding and listen to the Session Song, because participation is a key element to healing.


  1. to make whole, or sound; bring into Balance and Harmony.